The Cosmetic Clinic

Dentistry is Safe

Dentistry is Safe

Dentistry is safe! It is safer to go to your Dentist than anything else you may do at these times *.( Universal precautions in place, environmental control with prescribed SOPs)

To date no CoViD 19 transmission or cluster of infection from any dental care setups has been reported anywhere in the world in the 8 month history of the disease. Germany never stopped dental practices from functioning. Most other countries that did restrict dental clinics from functioning in late March, resumed practice in April & May. There have been no reports of infection clusters from practices in any of these countries even after this resumption to full function.
It is necessary to understand the risks and learn to mitigate it in your settings, rather than feeding inaccurate information and negativity to an already sensationalist media. If you are located in a containment zone, of course, stay away, but if not, convey the message to the public at large that Dentistry is safe !
